Wednesday 29 August 2012

Membership Subscriptions

Membership Subscriptions are due on April 1st. The new rate is £35 per annum.

You can pay by Paypal here

Alternatively, you might prefer to pay by Standing Order; the form for this can be downloaded HERE..

Or you can send a cheque, payable to "The Heraldry Society of Scotland" to:
Liam Devlin
Membership Secretary HSS,
93 Lomondside Ave
Glasgow G76 7UH

However you pay your subscription, if you are a UK taxpayer, you can greatly increase its value to the Society at no cost to yourself if you fill in and return a Gift Aid form. It can be found HERE.
Overseas members may need the following information for bank transfers:
IBAN no: GB50 RBOS 8306 0800 1759 11
BIC reference: RBOSGB2L

Monday 27 August 2012

Archbishops of Glasgow

A new Archbishop of Glasgow, Most Rev. Philip Tartaglia, will be enthroned on Our Lady's birthday, September 8th. Here is his coat of arms which illustrates the biblical text of the Loaves and the Fishes, one of the fish bearing the ring from the legend of St Mungo. As the text is seen as a foreshadowing of the Eucharist, Archbishop Tartaglia has chosen a text from the Benediction hymn, O Salutaris Hostia of St Thomas Aquinas as his motto: "Give strength, give help". His arms were designed by Monsignor Charles Burns, formerly of the Diocese of Paisley and now a Canon of St Peter's, Rome.
The former archbishop, Most Rev. Mario Conti, for long a member of the Society, continues to live in Glasgow. His coat of arms, based on the ancient Conti arms of Italy, was designed by Archbishop Heim and revised by the Lord Lyon on the grounds, apparently, that a field chequy is not encouraged in Scottish heraldry. Here is the version of Archbishop Conti's arms by Marco Foppoli:

Tuesday 21 August 2012


We welcome another new member: R.K. Cameron, Edinburgh.

Thursday 9 August 2012

Blazon Competition (sort of...)

Would anyone care to have a go at a blazon for this lovely achievement from Nova Mutum, Brazil? Boa sorte!

Jamaican Independence

On Monday 6th August, Jamaica celebrated 50 years of independence, with Olympic gold medals in the men’s and women’s 100m sprints giving them further cause for celebration. Granted by Royal Warrant in 1661, Jamaica’s coat of arms features pineapples on the shield, and a crocodile in the crest.

Programme 2012-2013

Once again Mr Mallinson has produced an excellent programme for the new session:
Saturday 29th September 2012
Armory and Computer Aided Drawing - John Gaylor, Esq.
Saturday 27th October 2012
The St Andrews Fund for Scots Heraldry 2001 – 2011 - Charles Burnett, Esq. Ross Herald Extraordinary
Saturday 1st December 2012 St Andrew Lecture 2.00pm Why do we build heraldry? Taking Alexander Marshall Mackenzie's example - Gordon Casely, Esq.
followed by
St. Andrew Dinner - 7.00pm for 7.45pm - Speaker: John Malden, Esq. , Unicorn Pursuivant
Black Tie & Decorations - Royal Scots Club, Abercromby Place, Edinburgh.
Saturday 19th January 2013 The Lymphad of the Isles and the Origin of Somerled: Second Thoughts on Moncreiffe’s Theory - Peter Kurrild-Klitgaard
Saturday 23rd February 2013 The College of Arms during the Second World War - Peter O'Donoghue, Esq, - York Herald
Saturday 30th March 2013 The Guardians of Chivalry: Medieval Heralds and their Legacy - Dr. Katie Stevenson, Lecturer in late medieval history - University of St. Andrews
Saturday 27th April 2013
Excursion to Aberdeen. Details to follow.
Saturday 25th May 2013
AK Bell Library Theatre, Perth - 11.00am Members Miscellany 2.00pm - Annual General Meeting AK Bell Library Theatre, Perth.

Thursday 2 August 2012

President of the American Heraldry Society

Many congratulations to HSS member, Joseph McMillan, who has been elected President of the American Heraldry Society.