Wednesday 31 October 2012


Welcome to Dr. T. Spaulding of Louisville, Kentucky.

Human Coat of Arms for St Andrews 600

A large number of students and staff will assemble this afternoon on St Salvator's Quad as part of St Andrews University's 600 anniversary celebrations. A brilliant idea, real photograph to follow.

Stop press: Human Coat of Arms postponed until wednesday 7th November due to inclement weather

Tuesday 30 October 2012

Kenneth Trist Urquhart of Urquhart RIP

We record with sadness the death of one of our members, Kenneth Trist Urquhart, 27th Hereditary Chief of Clan Urquhart, who died on October 17th. A memorial service will be held on December 28th in Harahan, Louisiana. R.I.P. Mike MacKenzie MSP led a tribute to him in the Scottish Parliament:
"That the Parliament pays tribute to Kenneth Trist Urquhart, the 27th hereditary
 Chief of the Clan Urquhart, who sadly passed away on 17 October ..."

Tuesday 23 October 2012

Cardinal Henry Benedict Lecture Room

The Pontifical Scots College, Rome, has recently opened a new lecture room dedicated to a former Cardinal Protector of the College, Henry Benedict Stuart, Duke of York. His portrait and coat of arms will decorate the room. Here is a version of his arms painted by Max Marnau. While there are other superb versions by Marco Foppoli and Andrew Jamieson, they both chose to use the English form of the royal arms.

As part of their training for the priesthood, the Scottish seminarians now have an annual Mass in the Cripta Borghese under the Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore, to this day the burial place of the Borghese family, and the tomb of the Scots College's founder, Pope Clement VIII Aldobrandini, whose arms, as they appear on the ceiling of San Giovanni in Laterano are given below:


We welcome a new member. Michael T. McAlpin of Alpharetta, Georgia. His Arms, issued at the Lyon Court, July 10th 2008, are:

Friday 5 October 2012


We welcome another new member, Robert Gillespie of Blackhall OBE. Here are his Arms, which await a pendant badge for his OBE.

Karl, Cardinal Becker SJ

The Jesuit theologian, Father Karl Becker SJ, was created Cardinal-Deacon of San Giuliano Martire on February 9th 2012. He is one of the intellectual giants of the Church and a long-standing friend and supporter of the Pontifical Scots College in Rome.  Here is my attempt at "painting" his chosen coat of Arms - he is not a bishop so no cross is required behind the shield:

Monday 1 October 2012

Yvonne Holton, Dingwall Pursuivant

We were all delighted to hear on Saturday that an HSS member, Yvonne Holton, Dingwall Pursuivant and Painter to the Lyon Court, had won the prestigious International Heraldry Award for creating the heraldic art-work the committee adjudged, against stiff competition from a dozen or so other international artists, to be the finest submission of this year. The Award consists of a commemorative medal and the sum of 5,000 € for the laureate and is presented by de Moffarts Foundation, founded by Baron AndrĂ© de Moffarts (1925–2004), at the International Congress: Yvonne received her award in Maastricht.

Lecture - Saturday 29th September 2012

John Gaylor started the heraldic year very well for us with a stimulating talk on Armory and Computer Aided Drawing“. John's rapid pictorial responses to questions on the Forum have long impressed us and he explained he had arrived at being what he humbly describes as an heraldic "draftsman" by way of Autocad software he had previously used in business as a cartographer. He made no claims to competition with brush-and-pencil artists but he did show us many ways in which the computer artist can experiment with proportions and styles and can do so quickly and economically. Indeed some heraldic artists try out their ideas first in computer graphics before putting brush or pen to parchment.