Wednesday 26 February 2014

Installation of the Lord Lyon

Snaps were not allowed at the short swearing-in ceremony itself, although there was an official camera. Here are some I took at the tea in the Signet Library which followed.

Here is Lyon Morrow with Ormond Pursuivant Dennis:

and with Alex Maxwell Findlater

Monday 24 February 2014

Installation of the Lord Lyon

Tuesday 25 February 2014
Court of Session 10.00 am
Dr Joe Morrow, the new Lord Lyon is to be sworn-in tomorrow morning at 10.00 am. This is in the Court of Session, Courtroom No 1, which is through the same entrance as the Parliament Hall, on the south side of Parliament Square, opposite St Giles, Edinburgh.
The ceremony is open to the public and no appointment is necessary, although the early birds will presumably get the best seats.

Saturday 22 February 2014

Excellent lecture at Royal Scots Club

Excellent lecture today at the Royal Scots Club by Linda Cannon who, with her partner, Rab MacInnes, created all the stained glass in the restored royal apartments at Stirling Castle. Most of the glass is roundels of the arms of Marie de Guise and James V. Here is one of the lovely roundels they created.
Excellent lecture today at the Royal Scots Club by Linda Cannon who, with her partner, Rab MacInnes, created all the stained glass in the restored royal apartments at Stirling Castle. Most of the glass is roundels of the arms of Marie de Guise and James V. Here is one of the lovely roundels they created.  A fuller account of the project for those who missed the talk can be found on their website:

 A fuller account of the project for those who missed the talk can be found on their website HERE.

Friday 21 February 2014

Arms of a Scottish Canon of St Peter's Basilica

In theory there have been three Scottish clerics made canons of St Peter's Basilica: Henry Benedict, Cardinal Stuart, Henry I and IX (1725-1807), and Charles Cardinal Erskine (1739-1811) were the first two, both born in Rome. With the former Keeper of the Vatican Archives, a priest of the Diocese of Paisley and former pupil of St Aloysius' College, we have the first native Scot in that prestigious office, Monsignor Charles Burns OBE.

Monsignor Burns has now recorded arms at the Lyon Court, note the AMARANTH galero with twelve RED fiocchi appropriate to a PROTONOTARY APOSTOLIC:

Ross Herald Extraordinary kindly dug out what I think may be the only other arms of a monsignor in the Lyon Register, Monsignor David McRoberts, who was Keeper of the Scottish Catholic Records: Monsignor Roberts was a "Domestic Prelate of His Holiness" and so entitled to an AMARANTH galero with twelve VIOLET fiocchi (shown in the Lyon Register as the same colour as the galero).
Interestingly, it looks as if these two ranks of monsignor (the Protonotary Apostolic and the Domestic Prelate) have now (since 2013) been scrapped by Pope Francis. Only the third rank, Chaplain of His Holiness, remains and is to be much less readily distributed.

Sunday 9 February 2014

The Serbian Team at the Winter Olympics

Great to see the superb designs of Ljubodrag Grujic in the Winter Olympics last night as the Serbian Team joined the procession.
As a pleasing side-note, I can confirm that Ljubodrag will give this year's St Andrew's Day lecture, the highlight of the Heraldry Society of Scotland's calebdar,

Manual of Ecclesiastical Heraldry

Congratulations to one of our distinguished members, Dott. Pier Felice degli Uberti, who presented Andrea Cardinal Cordero Lanza di Montezemolo's and Padre Antonio Pompili's "Manual of Ecclesiastical Heraldry" to the public at the Libreria Paulo VI in Rome on Friday evening.

Wednesday 5 February 2014

Tuesday 4 February 2014

Manual of Ecclesiastical Heraldry

This Friday, 7th February, one of our most distinguished members, Pier Felice degli Uberti, will chair a book-launch at the Paul VI Bookshop in Rome. The book is the Manuale di Araldica Ecclesiastica nella Chiesa Cattolica by Andrea Cardinal Cordero Lanza di Montezemolo and Padre Antonio Pompili.

Académie Internationale d'Héraldique.

The HSS is now very well-represented in the highly prestigious Academie Internationale d'Héraldique. We congratulate the following on their election over the last few years:

Nils G. Bartholdy (1er Vice-Président, Académicien),
Robert Watt (Conseiller, Académicien),

Adrian Ailes, Darrell Kennedy, John J. Fitzpatrick Kennedy, Peter Kurrild-Klitgaard,
Elizabeth Roads, Pier Felice degli Uberti.

Membres Associés
Ronny Andersen, Richard d'Apice, Mark Dennis, Paul Fox, Duane Galles, Bruce McAndrew,
Antti Matikkala, Mikhail Medvedev, Kaare Seeberg Sidselrud, Nicolas Vernot


We welcome Jane Roy (Edinburgh).

Wednesday 29 January 2014

Carmen Sodalitatis

The Social Secretary has commissioned an exciting new anthem for the Society from the eminent composer, Silvestro Petrasancta - this has already met with warm critical acclaim and is generally agreed to be one of the finest works of Silvestro's middle period.

Note for newspaper editors:

Petrasancta was born at an early age, his mother leaving home before he was born. At birth he was so ugly that the midwife slapped his mother. A child prodigy, he continues to amaze by his ability to play notes with his hands and feet at the same time, a feat the more astonishing as he plays the viola.
Petrasancta's previous works have included "Studies for the Middle Pedal", "Exercises in the Use of the Short Stick" and "Symphonic Variations on Tetley Tea-Bags".

Critics have been vociferous in their praise:
"Vague" (Vogue)
"The rests were exquisite, let's have more of them" (Metronome Monthly, available on tick)

Here is the text of this great hymn which the Society will sing lustily in the traditional manner (napkins on heads, right foot raised):

Nemo me impune lacessit,
Nil sine labore,
Sic transit gloria mundi,
Via veritas vita
Nobilis est ira leonis
Ora et labora
Corda serrata pando
Feros ferio
chorus: Tak tent o' armes,
             Tak tent o' armes,
             Tak tent o' armes,
             In medio virtus stat.

Sola virtus nobilitat,
Fortiter et recte,
Virtutem coronat honos,
Praesto ut praestem,
Sub sole sub umbra virens
Nunquam non paratus
Audentes fortuna juvat
chorus: Tak tent o' armes,
             Tak tent o' armes,
             Tak tent o' armes,
             In medio virtus stat.

Here is the Karaoke Version

Sunday 26 January 2014

Peter Drummond-Murray

A former Editor and Chairman of the Society, Peter Drummond-Murray, has been made a Bailiff Grand Cross of the Order of Malta. Here is Peter's banner with the chief of religion:

Saturday 25 January 2014

Assumed Arms

The Social Secretary pointed out these assumed arms to the Lyon-Elect today at the Royal Scots Club. Luckily Emma poured our pints before the Procurator Fiscal arrived to ding it doon:

Thursday 23 January 2014

Andrew McMillan, Baron of Cleghorn, Count McMillan

The memorial service took place last Friday in Glasgow of Andrew McMillan, Baron of Cleghorn, Count McMillan. Here is the front cover of the Order of Service which makes attractive use of Andrew's coat of arms, ensigned with a chapeau of maintenance:

HSS Gifts to the Scottish Parliament Buildings

When the Scottish Parliament building was planned, no heraldry was planned so the HSS took it on itself to present two very striking examples of heraldry.

The first is the oak carving of the full royal arms as used in Scotland, behind the reception desk of the Parliament Building - here the former HSS chairman, Romilly Squire introduces and describes it:

Romilly Squire on the Heraldry of the Parliament Building

The second work, in Queensberry House, is a magnificent painting of the achievement of HM the Queen as Queen of Scotland, painted by current HSS chairman, Mark Dennis:
Romilly Squire on the Heraldry of Queensberry House

Saturday 18 January 2014

Margaret's Badge

Here is the badge designed by Romilly Squire for committee-member Margaret Sainte Claire to use at the International Congress in Dublin. It is stored at the Irish Office on the Congress Roll of Arms.

Friday 17 January 2014

New Lord Lyon Appointed

Scottish Government Announcement:

"Friday, January 17, 2014 14:03
Dr Joseph Morrow has been appointed as the new Lord Lyon King of Arms.
The Lord Lyon office dates from the 14th-Century. Duties include the granting of armorial bearings and judicial rulings on who has the right to bear an existing coat of arms.

Dr Morrow succeeds David Sellar MVO, FSAScot, FRHistS who has held the office of Lord Lyon since 2008. An advocate, with degrees in Theology and Law, Dr Morrow has been a student of heraldry for more than 30 years. The appointment was made by the Queen on the recommendation of the First Minister, Alex Salmond.

At present, Dr Morrow is the President of the Mental Health Tribunal for Scotland, and President of the Additional Support Needs Tribunals and a First-Tier Tribunal Judge dealing with asylum and immigration issues. He has held a number of professional positions outwith the legal field including Convener of the Development Department of Dundee City Council, Board Member of Scottish Enterprise Tayside, Board Member of the Angus and Dundee Tourist Board, Chair of the Dundee Waterfront Development Board, Chair of the Trustees of the Tayside Superannuation Fund and Vice Chair of the Court of the University of Abertay.

In 2009 he was appointed as a Vice Lord Lieutenant for the City of Dundee and in that capacity has regularly received members of the Royal Family to the City. He is an Incumbent of the Chapel of Glamis Castle.

Dr Morrow has a special interest in ecclesiastical history and 35 years’ experience of the practical application of ceremonial within a variety of settings including State, Civil, Military and Ecclesiastical areas of Scottish life.

The part-time appointment, made under section 3 of the Lyon King of Arms (Scotland) Act 1867, is based at Edinburgh’s New Register House. It was made following advertisement, interview of a short-list of candidates by a selection board followed by recommendation to the First Minister. "

The Government's announcement omits that Joe is a member of the HSS Committee! Vivat Rex.


Salve iterum

Welcome to Mr John Flynn of Nottingham.

Tuesday 14 January 2014


We welcome another new member, Mr Albert Thomson of Inverurie. Here is Mr Thomson's coat of arms, drawn by Anthony Maxwell, Heraldic Artist:

Saturday 11 January 2014

Wednesday 8 January 2014

Brick Church, New York.

At the instigation of our member, Ellsworth Stanton, the Lord Lyon has granted the Brick Church in New York a Coat of Arms. Snawdoun Herald will present the Letters Patent to the Brick Church congregation on the first Sunday in April. the beginning of New York Tartan Week. She will also make a presentation to The American Coat of Arms Foundation of which our member John Shannon is the President and Ellsworth is the Secretary.

Heraldic wine-labels

This evening in Manhattan, HSS members John Shannon and Paul Campbell continue their fascinating tour of heraldic wine-labels followed by a welcome tasting: I wonder if they will find a qualitative connection between the Arms and the wine.....
Here is one I found in the cellar at Castello Petrasancta this morning:

Monday 6 January 2014


We welcome our first new corporate member for many years - The Armorial Register.:

The bookplate was digitally painted by Ljubodrag Grujic.

Gordon Casely made a Knight of St John

One of our most distinguished Founder Members, Gordon Casely, received the accolade of Knighthood from the Grand Prior of the Order of St John, HRH the Duke of Gloucester:

Anthony Maxwell, Heraldic Artist, has now painted an updated version of Gordon's arms to  include this honour and  including his baton as baron baillie of Miltonhaven and key as keeper of Lauriston (Aberdeenshire):

Membership Subscriptions

Membership Subscriptions will be due on April 1st. The rate is £35 per annum.

You can pay by Paypal here

Alternatively, you might prefer to pay by Standing Order; the form for this can be downloaded HERE..

For those who prefer to use electronic banking, the account details are:
RBS, Edinburgh, St Andrew's Square
sort code: 83-06-08
account no: 00175911

Or you can send a cheque, payable to "The Heraldry Society of Scotland" to:
Liam Devlin
Membership Secretary HSS,
93 Lomondside Ave
Glasgow G76 7UH

However you pay your subscription, if you are a UK taxpayer, you can greatly increase its value to the Society at no cost to yourself if you fill in and return a Gift Aid form. It can be found HERE.
Overseas members may need the following information for bank transfers:
IBAN no: GB50 RBOS 8306 0800 1759 11
BIC reference: RBOSGB2L

Saturday 4 January 2014

Watson and the Shark

A rather unusual coat of arms is that of Sir Brook Watson, 1st Baronet (7 February 1735 – 2 October 1807) who lost his leg to a shark and then had this incident recorded in his grant of arms when he became Lord Mayor of London. His wife was a Helen Campbell of Edinburgh.

Until 1963, Christ's Hospital owned his friend Copley's painting of the incident, now in Washington D.C.
A political satirist penned the following about it all:
                                             Oh! Had the monster, who for breakfast ate
                                             That luckless limb, his noblest noddle met,
                                             The best of workmen, nor the best of wood,
                                             Had scarce supply'd him with a head so good.

Thursday 2 January 2014

New Year Greetings and Honours

A Happy New Year to all.

Many congratulations to retiring Lord Lyon, David Sellar, who was made an MVO in the New Year Honours List.