Wednesday 26 February 2014

Installation of the Lord Lyon

Snaps were not allowed at the short swearing-in ceremony itself, although there was an official camera. Here are some I took at the tea in the Signet Library which followed.

Here is Lyon Morrow with Ormond Pursuivant Dennis:

and with Alex Maxwell Findlater

Monday 24 February 2014

Installation of the Lord Lyon

Tuesday 25 February 2014
Court of Session 10.00 am
Dr Joe Morrow, the new Lord Lyon is to be sworn-in tomorrow morning at 10.00 am. This is in the Court of Session, Courtroom No 1, which is through the same entrance as the Parliament Hall, on the south side of Parliament Square, opposite St Giles, Edinburgh.
The ceremony is open to the public and no appointment is necessary, although the early birds will presumably get the best seats.

Saturday 22 February 2014

Excellent lecture at Royal Scots Club

Excellent lecture today at the Royal Scots Club by Linda Cannon who, with her partner, Rab MacInnes, created all the stained glass in the restored royal apartments at Stirling Castle. Most of the glass is roundels of the arms of Marie de Guise and James V. Here is one of the lovely roundels they created.
Excellent lecture today at the Royal Scots Club by Linda Cannon who, with her partner, Rab MacInnes, created all the stained glass in the restored royal apartments at Stirling Castle. Most of the glass is roundels of the arms of Marie de Guise and James V. Here is one of the lovely roundels they created.  A fuller account of the project for those who missed the talk can be found on their website:

 A fuller account of the project for those who missed the talk can be found on their website HERE.

Friday 21 February 2014

Arms of a Scottish Canon of St Peter's Basilica

In theory there have been three Scottish clerics made canons of St Peter's Basilica: Henry Benedict, Cardinal Stuart, Henry I and IX (1725-1807), and Charles Cardinal Erskine (1739-1811) were the first two, both born in Rome. With the former Keeper of the Vatican Archives, a priest of the Diocese of Paisley and former pupil of St Aloysius' College, we have the first native Scot in that prestigious office, Monsignor Charles Burns OBE.

Monsignor Burns has now recorded arms at the Lyon Court, note the AMARANTH galero with twelve RED fiocchi appropriate to a PROTONOTARY APOSTOLIC:

Ross Herald Extraordinary kindly dug out what I think may be the only other arms of a monsignor in the Lyon Register, Monsignor David McRoberts, who was Keeper of the Scottish Catholic Records: Monsignor Roberts was a "Domestic Prelate of His Holiness" and so entitled to an AMARANTH galero with twelve VIOLET fiocchi (shown in the Lyon Register as the same colour as the galero).
Interestingly, it looks as if these two ranks of monsignor (the Protonotary Apostolic and the Domestic Prelate) have now (since 2013) been scrapped by Pope Francis. Only the third rank, Chaplain of His Holiness, remains and is to be much less readily distributed.

Sunday 9 February 2014

The Serbian Team at the Winter Olympics

Great to see the superb designs of Ljubodrag Grujic in the Winter Olympics last night as the Serbian Team joined the procession.
As a pleasing side-note, I can confirm that Ljubodrag will give this year's St Andrew's Day lecture, the highlight of the Heraldry Society of Scotland's calebdar,

Manual of Ecclesiastical Heraldry

Congratulations to one of our distinguished members, Dott. Pier Felice degli Uberti, who presented Andrea Cardinal Cordero Lanza di Montezemolo's and Padre Antonio Pompili's "Manual of Ecclesiastical Heraldry" to the public at the Libreria Paulo VI in Rome on Friday evening.

Wednesday 5 February 2014

Tuesday 4 February 2014

Manual of Ecclesiastical Heraldry

This Friday, 7th February, one of our most distinguished members, Pier Felice degli Uberti, will chair a book-launch at the Paul VI Bookshop in Rome. The book is the Manuale di Araldica Ecclesiastica nella Chiesa Cattolica by Andrea Cardinal Cordero Lanza di Montezemolo and Padre Antonio Pompili.

Académie Internationale d'Héraldique.

The HSS is now very well-represented in the highly prestigious Academie Internationale d'Héraldique. We congratulate the following on their election over the last few years:

Nils G. Bartholdy (1er Vice-Président, Académicien),
Robert Watt (Conseiller, Académicien),

Adrian Ailes, Darrell Kennedy, John J. Fitzpatrick Kennedy, Peter Kurrild-Klitgaard,
Elizabeth Roads, Pier Felice degli Uberti.

Membres Associés
Ronny Andersen, Richard d'Apice, Mark Dennis, Paul Fox, Duane Galles, Bruce McAndrew,
Antti Matikkala, Mikhail Medvedev, Kaare Seeberg Sidselrud, Nicolas Vernot


We welcome Jane Roy (Edinburgh).