Monday 16 December 2013


Welcome back to William Shaw of Easter Lair.

Thursday 12 December 2013


We welcome Stephen Rettie of Glasgow.

Royal Opera House Christmas Card

The Royal Opera House has created a lovely ecard this Christmas using Tchaikovsky's Trepak and the royal coat of ams (English version): ROH ecard

Wednesday 4 December 2013

Today's heraldic saint: San Bernardo degli Uberti

Arms of Dom Henry O'Shea OSB

I have added today to the HSS galleries  the splendid arms of Dom Henry O'Shea OSB, a Benedictine monk of Glenstal  and a Chaplain to the Order of Malta. He inherited the arms from his great-grandfather, Sir Henry O'Shea who was granted them by the Ulster Office in March 1916.

The blazon is a model of artistic economy:
Party per pale indented Or and Vert two fleurs-de-lys in fess counterchanged.

Tuesday 3 December 2013

Today's heraldic saint: St Francis Xavier SJ (1506-1552)

Badge granted to Campion House, St Aloysius' College, Glasgow, by the Lord Lyon in 2006:
Made by Fattorini of Birmingham
 Deus, qui Indiarum gentes beati Francisci praedicatione et miraculis Ecclesiae tuae aggregare voluisti: concede propitius; ut cuius gloriosa merita veneramur, virtutum quoque imitemur exempla. Per Dominum nostrum Iesum Christum, Filium tuum, qui tecum vivit et regnat in unitate Spiritus Sancti, Deus, per omnia saecula saeculorum. 

Laura Dent Campbell - matriculation of Arms

Laura Dent Campbell

Gyronny of eight Or and Sable, the First charged of four glossy ibises' heads erased of the Second within a bordure Azure charged with three fleur-de-Iys Or for difference. Above the Shield is placed an Helmet befitting her degree, with a Mantling Sable doubled Or, and on a Wreath of the Liveries is set for Crest a glossy ibis Sable, and in an Escrol over the same this Motto "IN HARMONY".

Matriculated: Interlocutor issue to Lyon Clerk by Lord Lyon 30 September 2013

Laura is the daughter of the Delegate for North American to the Society, Donald Draper Campbell. 

Arms drawn by John Hamilton Gaylor.

Sunday 1 December 2013

Today's heraldic saint: St Edmund Campion (1540-1581)

Badge granted to Campion House, St Aloysius' College, Glasgow, by the Lord Lyon in 2006:
Badge made by Fattorini of Birmingham
 "And touching our Societie, be it known to you that we have made a
all the Jesuits in the world, whose succession and multitude
must overreach all the practices of England----
cheerfully to carry the
cross you shall lay upon us, and never to despair your recovery, while
we have a man left to enjoy your Tyburn, or to be racked with your
torments, or consumed with your prisons. The expense is reckoned,
the enterprise is begun; it is of God, it cannot be withstood.
So the Faith was planted: so it must be restored."

Thursday 21 November 2013

Sunday 17 November 2013

Bishops of Aberdeen

James Dempster was kindly allowed by Bishop Gilbert to photograph the grants of arms to successive Catholic bishops of Aberdeen (Peter Moran, sadly, chose not to record arms).


Welcome to Lt Col P. A. Crocker of Hay-on-Wye.

Thursday 7 November 2013

Sunday 13 October 2013


We welcome the following new members:

Peter Davison (Guernsey),
Graham Bartram (Ruislip),
Gerard Maxwell (Bolton).

Friday 13 September 2013

Academie Internationale d'Héraldique

At the XVIII Colloque International d'Héraldique held in Stirling last month, and brilliantly organised by Elizabeth Roads, Snawdoun Herald and member of the Académie,  two HSS members were elected as membres associés of the Academie Internationale d'Héraldique: Ronny Andersen (Denmark) and Paul Fox (London).  Many congratulations to both.

Saturday 3 August 2013


Welcome to the following new members:
Ambrose Hogan (Oxford)
Markus Kalter (Germany)
Dr Paul Fox (London)

Monday 8 July 2013

Sir David Durie KCMG

"The main elements of the shield are derived from the arms of Andrew Durie of Durie with the replacement in base of a third crescent Or by a roundel gyronny of eight Ermine and Gules which is a symbol of the Campbells of Loudon from whom I am descended on my Mother's side via the Campbells of Fairfield. The motto "As a Rock my Faith" also relates to the Durie of Durie motto "Confido" but is also an allusion to my time as Governor and Commander-in-Chief of Gibraltar, which is often called "the Rock". The crest is also a reference to Gibraltar whose own arms (originally granted by Queen Isabella of Spain in 1502 but later adopted by British Gibraltar) consist of the castle and key described in the Blazon".

Sunday 30 June 2013


We welcome another new member, Lt-Cmdr Laurence of Mar, Garioch Pursuivant of Arms to the Countess of Mar.

Friday 28 June 2013


Welcome two new members this week both from the United States:

Righton Garnett McCallum of Summerville, South Carolina and Peter Fraser of San Anselmo, California.

Monday 10 June 2013

Professor Hogg

Congratulations to HSS member Dr Martin Hogg on his elevation to a chair of Law at Edinburgh University.

Wednesday 5 June 2013

HSS Programme 2013-2014

Edward has once again produced an excellent programme for us for next session:

Saturday, 28th September 2013
"Creating the Donor Window - Scottish National Portrait Gallery" - Alison Kinnaird.
Royal Scots Club, Abercromby Place, Edinburgh.

Saturday, 26th October 2013
" A Polish puzzle: Identifying some Scottish Armigers in Gdansk and surrounding area" - James Dempster, Esq.
Royal Scots Club, Abercromby Place, Edinburgh.

Saturday, 30th November 2013
St Andrew Lecture 2.00pm
"The double tressure in non-royal arms. Who, when, why, and why not?" Dr. Steve Boardman - University of Edinburgh.
St. Andrew Dinner - 7.00pm for 7.45pm
Speaker: Rt. Hon. Sir George Reid, PC
Black Tie & Decorations - Royal Scots Club, Abercromby Place, Edinburgh.

Saturday, 25th January 2014
"Douglas and Moray monumental heraldry" - Alex Maxwell Findlater.
Royal Scots Club, Abercromby Place, Edinburgh.

Saturday, 22nd February 2014
“The Heraldic Stained Glass in Royal Apartments at Stirling Castle” - Linda Cannon ACR.
Royal Scots Club, Abercromby Place, Edinburgh.

Saturday, 29th March 2014
"Scots heraldic strays in Tynwald and other Scottish connections with the Isle of Man" - Howard Connell, Esq.
Royal Scots Club, Abercromby Place, Edinburgh.

Saturday, 26th April 2014
Society Excursion (possibly to York)

Saturday, 31st May 2014 .
AK Bell Library Theatre, Perth - 11.00am
2.00pm - Annual General Meeting
AK Bell Library Theatre, Perth.

Deceased members

Two of our members have sadly died recently: Russell Dabney on 31st January 2013 and Eoin Flett Scott of Redland on 4th June 2013. The BBC has reported Eoin's death here:

Saturday 1 June 2013

Fra' Paul Sutherland

Congratulations to London member, Fra' Paul Sutherland on his Solemn Profession as a Knight of Malta on Wednesday. The picture shows Fra' Paul kneeling before the Grand Master, HMEH Fra Matthew Festing, OBE, TD, DL. second from the left in the photograph.


Welcome to two new members: James Bingham of Queenzieburn and Gavin McGill of Stonehaven.

Saturday 25 May 2013

HSS Member wins Prix Gustaf von Numers

Congratulations to HSS member Ronny Andersen, this year's winner of the prestigious Prix Gustaf von Numers. The Prize for heraldic art and design was created in 1982 in memory of Gustaf von Numers, the eminent Finnish heraldic expert. The photo is by Kaare Seeberg Sidselrud.

Wednesday 1 May 2013

Vivat Rex

HM the King of Holland was installed yesterday following the abdication of his mother.

Thursday 25 April 2013


Un cordialissimo saluto dalla Scozia a Antonio Petracca, Lecce, e il Conte Massimo Cavalloni, Camaiore.

We welcome also Robin Alexander, St Andrews.

Thursday 18 April 2013


We welcome Lorna Kinnaird of Edinburgh.

Wednesday 20 March 2013

Pope Francis - Coat of Arms

Marco Foppoli on spectacular form with the arms of Pope Francis.

Wednesday 13 March 2013


Un cordialissimo saluto dalla Scozia a Clemente Petracca, Lecce.

Friday 1 March 2013

Sede Vacante first-day cover

The Camerlengo seals the papal apartments

Tarcisio Cardinal Bertone, Camerlengo of the Church, seals the papal apartments using his baton of office. The doors bear the arms of Pope Pius IX Mastai-Ferretti 1846-1878.

Euge bone serve et fidelis

We wish His Holiness Pope-Emeritus Benedict XVI a long, happy and prayerful retirement as we head for a new phase in the life of the Catholic Church.

Pope Benedict's Arms by Marco Foppoli

The Arms of "sede vacante" - "the Empty Seat" including those of
Cardinal Bertone, currently in charge of the Church as camerlengo. The image is
by Giuseppe Quattrociocchi

Thursday 7 February 2013

Arms of Lt. Colonel MBH Ritchie D.S.O, O.B.E

One of our newest members, Mrs Avril Brown of Australia, sends us these arms which were granted to her great-grandfather, Lt. Colonel MBH Ritchie D.S.O, O.B.E, in 1929.

Salve, Norman MacSween

Welcome another new member, Mr Norman MacSween of London.

Wednesday 6 February 2013

Salve, Ellsworth G. Stanton

Welcome to another new member: Ellsworth G. Stanton III MBE, KSJ, of New York City.

Arms: Argent a saltire Azure between four Cardinal birds volant proper.

Crest: Within a circlet of escallops Gules and violets Purpure a stag trippant Azure attired Argent.

Motto: Diliges Proximum Tuum, (Look after your neighbour).

Granted by: The College of Arms, 15 November 2001.

Tuesday 5 February 2013

Richard III found in Leicester Car Park

We congratulate our colleagues in the Richard III Society on bringing their hunt to such a splendid conclusion.

Letters Patent and Arms of Keith Lawson Mitchell

Another very fine set of arms is awaiting display on the HSS Gallery. In the meantime, here is a preview of the Arms and Letters Patent of Keith Lawson Mitchell of Elgin. In the usual manner, I have masked personal details.

Monday 4 February 2013

Archbishop Conti

Archbishop Conti was honoured on Friday evening by a group of his friends in the Order of Malta, several of whom are members of the HSS. The event was organised by members Peter Drummond-Murray of Mastrick (FHSS) and Peter McCann of Castlecraig, and guests who are members of the Society included the Grand Prior, Ian Scott of Ardross, Herbert Coutts and Liam Devlin.

The gift with which His Grace was presented was a glass bowl engraved by Alison Kinnaird with the three coats of arms for which Archbishop Conti is responsible: the diocese of Aberdeen, the archdiocese of Glasgow, and his personal arms designed by Archbishop Bruno Heim and altered by the Lyon Court. A close-up of the beautiful glassware will follow but in the meantime here is one of the presentation. 


We welcome another new member in France, Mr. D.J. Menzies of Gironde.

Tuesday 29 January 2013

Wednesday 23 January 2013

News and Salve

Another splendid issue of "Tak Tent" arrived this morning, despite all the fuss about snow and weather in the UK. It includes an invitation to a day's excursion to Aberdeen on April 27th 2013 and a reminder that the March lecture, by Dr Katie Stevenson of the University of St Andrews, has been brought forward to March 23rd to avoid a clash with Holy Saturday.

We welcome Avril Brown of  Laurieton, Australia, who is now our newest member.

Tuesday 8 January 2013


Happy New Year.

We welcome two new members who have joined since the start of 2013:

K. McCorkle of Los Angeles and
Fr. W. Fleenor of Richmond, Virginia.

Can I remind members that next year's subscriptions are due on April 1st; to help the accounts, cheques which arrive before that will be retained until that date so that they appear in the correct year's records.