Monday 4 February 2013

Archbishop Conti

Archbishop Conti was honoured on Friday evening by a group of his friends in the Order of Malta, several of whom are members of the HSS. The event was organised by members Peter Drummond-Murray of Mastrick (FHSS) and Peter McCann of Castlecraig, and guests who are members of the Society included the Grand Prior, Ian Scott of Ardross, Herbert Coutts and Liam Devlin.

The gift with which His Grace was presented was a glass bowl engraved by Alison Kinnaird with the three coats of arms for which Archbishop Conti is responsible: the diocese of Aberdeen, the archdiocese of Glasgow, and his personal arms designed by Archbishop Bruno Heim and altered by the Lyon Court. A close-up of the beautiful glassware will follow but in the meantime here is one of the presentation. 

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